Today was our last day of regular rehearsal. It was a little sad, actually, but it's so cool to see how far the kids have come in just one week.
They have six songs ready for our concert on Sunday night, which is in their town. They're going to get to show off all that they've learned, which is so exciting.
In addition, the kids are going on their first tour! We're taking them to the next town over, the big city of Leon, where they'll be performing as a part of a music festival evening. It's going to be amazing.
I don't think they have any idea what to expect.
I know the feeling.
When I agreed to come on this trip (which took approximately .5 seconds of asking) I didn't have any expectation other than to learn some stuff about a place I'd never been.
I figured I'd have a good time, enjoy meeting the people and get to see some pretty sights.
It's been that and so much more.
Today, during the morning rehearsals, some Americans showed up, and were really enjoying listening to the kids. After the rehearsal was finished, we all started talking, and it turns out that these folks are from Westport! How small can the world get?
Turns out, they came as the first part of a group of people that are going to help start construction on NicaPhoto's new property - so of course, I had to check it out. The new property is great, and will give NicaPhoto and the 100 kids that they serve such a great space to work in.
The new property - you can see the volcano, Momotombo, in the background!
After our second rehearsal of the day, we had a little bit of time before our van came to bring us to I busted out my yoga mat.
I had brought it the other day after I saw some girls doing back bends, and now the kids always come to ask me when we can do 'la yoga'.
It's pretty cute. Especially in their sing-song Nicaraguan accents.
So, we did some yoga! Of course, when you only have one mat, the kids have to share or take turns. So they did a little of each.
Paula and Aymi sharing my mat for tree pose.
Alan taking on crow pose (and Estella getting ready for her turn right behind him...)
At the end of showing just a few yoga poses I was nearly dead from heat (it's been 100 degrees every day) but my ears perked up right as the kids were hugging me to leave, because the kids all thanked me for teaching them 'la yoga'...And they all called me 'profe'. (Short for professora [teacher])
I can't even handle these kids. They're too cute.
Can't wait to see them again tomorrow! More and more of our ensemble are arriving each day and the kids keep getting to hear new instruments and meet more musicians.
Tomorrow is the dress rehearsal, and then our concerts start. I'll make sure to get some video tomorrow so that you can see who and what I'm talking about.
Sleep tight.