Thank you, Mr. Seeger.

To Pete- I liked the world better when you were in it. It felt safer.

Stages across the country will forever feel the space that you used to fill.

While it feels like sadness should be overwhelming, I only find myself awash with gratitude, and so I say thank you.

Thank you, Mr. Seeger.

Thank you for standing up for freedom, even when it threatened your career.

Thank you for serving as a moral barometer and guiding us back to the right path, in song, when we strayed.

Thank you for choosing peace.

Thank you for surrounding hate and forcing it to surrender.

Thank you for your integrity.

Thank you for reaching out to a young folk singer, and for joining her faux political party.

Thank you for never ever ever ever giving up.

Thank you for expecting us to sing along.

You lived well, you were loved, and we all felt loved back.

Peace, friend.
